Neuartige Abluftanlage für INEOS Granuform Betrieb

The measurements for the evaluation of the purification effect

The measurements for the evaluation of the purification effect of the waste air treatment unit  are in the center of interest. For the determination an exactly measured air stream is washed in three bottles. In the examination, the third bottle must not contain any chemicals as proof that all chemicals have been absorbed in the first two bottles. The contents of these two bottles is analysed using appropriate and permitted methods and the content of substances determined.

The result: The measured values fall clearly below the very low limit values of the German law “Technische Anleitung zur Reinhaltung der Luft”.

The results of the measurement for the harmful substances prior to and behind the air purification unit are presented in the following chart:

           Emission prior to treatment            Emission after treatment 


The energy efficiency of the unit is calculated from the temperature difference between the temperatures of the inflowing and the outflowing airstream through the unit. The degree of heat recovery is calculated as 91%. Only 9% of the inserted heat energy is lost and must be provided anew by the earth gas heating.


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